Joy In The Things We Don’t Say

I teach dance and  have spent the last few years of my life volunteering and working with a group of students at a High School near my home. I’ve seen these students grow as artists and dancers and It fills my heart with so much joy to see them move on to the next step in their lives. But as they move on, so do I. I am both so happy and sad that it is my last day working with them, and in the dance studio. Bigger and better things are on the horizon and as this season of my life is closing and  another one is opening I wanted them to know what kind of an impact they had on my life. Maybe one day they will read this, or maybe they won’t. I just want them to know how special they were to me...

Most of you don’t know that there was a time about two years ago after the birth of my second child when I was in a really dark place. I was diagnosed as severely postpartum and would/could barely even take care of myself. Simultaneously, I had a cancer scare, a test came back positive for pre-cancerous cells that woIMG_0007uld ultimately have to be surgically removed. To say it was a hard season in my life is an understatement. But despite all of that I showed up for rehearsal everyday, smiling and laughing and shouting at all of you as I normally would!  I never wanted to let what was happening inside effect what I was teaching you… You are probably wondering why I am revealing this to you all now. Well, heres why. There is an immense joy in the things we don’t say. And what you all don’t realize is that coming to the studio to dance and laugh with all of you was the brightest points of my weeks most times. Your laughter and jokes brought me so much hope and life, that I wasn’t experiencing on the inside.  Being your teacher brought me  joy in a time when there was so much fear, and I want to thank you for all of your love now and during that time. I may not have a personal relationship with all of you, but just know being in the presence of such fun and inspiring young people made me so, so very happy then, and still does to this day. So as you embark on your next stage of life I want you to remember the joy you can bring to others lives without even saying a word. Positive energy and love resonates deep within the body, I feel it when I dance and I feel it when I teach. I hope you were all able to feel my passion and love for what I do when I would teach you. I challenge you all to find something that you are passionate about. So passionate about you want everyone to love it too. I want you to find something that makes you so happy you want to share it with everyone you meet and every life you touch. Don’t hold your passions in, share them– with everyone! And on those days when you don’t feel like giving it your all I want you to think about me jumping up and down, dancing and shouting MORE MORE MORE! SMILE! Because there is always room to give more, to be more and to do more. Good luck to all of you, and thank you for being such a wonderful light in my life these last four years. You all will hold a special place in my heart.

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