To be like her.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a Miracle.” -Albert Einstein


My family and I went on a Vacation to Legoland recently  and stayed at this beautiful resort in Carlsbad, California. One morning, before our first day in the park, my family and I were sitting down for breakfast when I noticed this beautiful women enter the lobby.

She was tall and statuesque. Her dark hair fell loosely around her light-complected makeup-less skin and her outfit looked casual but at the same time, very expensive. She looked so put together and effortlessly beautiful. She exuded power and grace in such a simple way that I was just in awe of her.

And then, for a brief moment, I wondered what it was like to be her.

Have you ever thought about that? Have you ever seen someone and wondered what their life was like? What their day to day routine consisted of? If they were happy or sad, pleased with their life or completely unhappy? I do. I would love to know what her life was like! Maybe she was some top executive putting together a multi-million dollar account. Or a movie star in the making. Perhaps she was having an affair and this was her getaway! My imagination let loose!

But then I wondered, if she wondered what mine was like. Or if anyone did for that matter. If they saw me, and thought “It must be great to be a mother and have a family”…

Here we were, she and I, almost the same age, but in completely different life stages. I was carting around my children off to Legoland on vacation on a Wednesday morning dressed in Nikes, a hooded sweatshirt and cut off jeans, while she was decked out in J. Crew. Did she ever stop to think about what it was like to be me?

Not in an envious, or superior way, just simply what it would be like. For me, I did. At that moment. She was being whisked away by an older man for maybe a breakfast date and I was cleaning up the mess my kids made.

I just think, if the winds of opportunity changed and I wasn’t 31 with kids, would I be in her shoes? Had I stayed in the professional track would I too, be in a resort hotel on a business meeting? I’m not sure.

But I wonder if she would look at me and think the same. What would it like to be a mom and have a family and feel settled in a family type situation at 31? What would it be like to chase after little ones? I wondered if she was even at the point of wanting children and if there was a side of her that did.

What a beautiful thing it would be if we could peer into the minds and lives of other individuals and see how great WE have it. At times I often forget how fortunate I am to be where I am now. To have wonderful children and an amazing husband. Maybe the winds would have shifted a different direction, and I wouldn’t be in her shoes, or the ones I’m in now. I guess of all things I think about, that is the scariest. Not, what if I could be her, but what if I didn’t have all of the love I have now.

Has there ever been a time where you wondered what it would be like to be in another persons shoes? Or wondered if you had just taken that job, or married that person how your life would be? Do you think you would be better off or the same?

Just Curious!


Splurge Vs. Save: Investment Pieces

Today on Splurge Vs. Save: My top five things you should absolutely invest in when shopping.

1. Bags: I’mIMG_0031 not talking about a 1,000 + bag (although those are freaking amazing and if you got it flaunt that shit). But I’m talking about a real, leather, or well made purse. Nothing is better then that. Really. They last a long time, and boost the overall look you are wanting to achieve.

2. Athletic Shoes: A good running shoe can be the difference between well, running and just not. running…Truth: I’ve never, ever, been into running. But I got these great (expensive) Nikes and I’ll tell you what I wanted to show those bad boys off. So after a few trips into conditioning land I’m the proud owner of several good pairs of running shoes and have gone from no way to a 5k. Without getting scientific, the way shoes are built help to support the arch of the feet..yada, yada and can really improve your overall workout.

3. Heels: Now that I’m in my thirties I no longer have the need to go clubbing and prance around in crazy ass heels. (Literally, I have no idea what i was thinking back then). And now, p-r-a-c-t-c-a-l-i-t-y tells me every time to ditch the bad pumps and trade them in for some good ones. Because of this, I’m longer aching to take my shoes off after date night, but I want to extend my after hour “partying” because my feet don’t hurt. (And to a parent like me, after hours is like 10:00. Seriously. Maybe 10:30.)

4. Foundation: Nothing says fabulous like having great skin. I alway, always, splurge on foundation and skin care. You want to put your best face forward, and nothing says awkward more then a foundation that doesn’t match your skin tone or doesn’t compliment your skin type.

IMG_00035. Jeans: Now, I used to be, the cheaper the better on this. But, I’m short and my legs are curvier.   So finding jeans can be a pretty difficult task sometimes. But no longer do I gasp at a $100 price tag when it comes to denim because this gal (finally) found a pair that worked and made my legs look great, they don’t look like tightly wrapped vienna sausages anymore! So spending a little more in this area will help your look, and the jeans will last much longer through several washes!

I Hope this helps!


Lash Extravaganza

IMG_0030I Got this Crazy Amazing shipment of lashes today! A 70 pack. Yes. You read correctly. A 70 pack of various Lashes for only: $15.00 add shipping, (which was SUPER fast) and out the door I paid about $20.00 bucks! The Quality of these bad boys are pretty decent too. They need a little trimming but for the price you really can’t go wrong! I can’t wait to use them! Check out: Eye Splashes on Amazon!

How to Beat The Full Moon Blues.

A full moon is upon us, and ever notice how whenever there is a full moon things get a little whack out crazy?! I mean, I know whenever a full moon is upon me I feel a little: sad, happy, hungry, angry all within a five-minute span. I want to eat everything, buy everything, than cry that I ate too much and didn’t have enough money to buy what I wanted. (And no, it’s not PMS)

Today I was wondering why I was feeling so crazy and then I saw it: THERE IS A FULL MOON OUTSIDE! So in order to help myself, and others suffering from the full moon blues I’ve complied a short list of fun ways to break the full moon funk.

1. Make a Play list of songs you love and play it over and over. Bonus points if you can get in the car and sing with it. And extra bonus points if its gangster rap, you roll your windows and bump it until your speakers rattle.

2. Dance. Dance in your kitchen, dance with your kids, your spouse, your dog, you mom. Just dance. Movement causes endorphins and endorphins make you happy!

3. Call your: I just need to cry ugly tears to you for no reason friend. Everyone has got one of those kinds of friends. That person who just listens to you and knows you are being completely irrational but agrees with everything you say just to make you feel better. (Then often calls you back and reminds you of how were being really dumb once you feel better.)

4. Do something nice for someone else. It’s even better when its an anonymous thing.

5. Get crafty. Make something and give it to someone (See #4)! Crafting always gets my mind off of things that are making me blue.

What do YOU do to beat the full moon blues?