How to Beat The Full Moon Blues.

A full moon is upon us, and ever notice how whenever there is a full moon things get a little whack out crazy?! I mean, I know whenever a full moon is upon me I feel a little: sad, happy, hungry, angry all within a five-minute span. I want to eat everything, buy everything, than cry that I ate too much and didn’t have enough money to buy what I wanted. (And no, it’s not PMS)

Today I was wondering why I was feeling so crazy and then I saw it: THERE IS A FULL MOON OUTSIDE! So in order to help myself, and others suffering from the full moon blues I’ve complied a short list of fun ways to break the full moon funk.

1. Make a Play list of songs you love and play it over and over. Bonus points if you can get in the car and sing with it. And extra bonus points if its gangster rap, you roll your windows and bump it until your speakers rattle.

2. Dance. Dance in your kitchen, dance with your kids, your spouse, your dog, you mom. Just dance. Movement causes endorphins and endorphins make you happy!

3. Call your: I just need to cry ugly tears to you for no reason friend. Everyone has got one of those kinds of friends. That person who just listens to you and knows you are being completely irrational but agrees with everything you say just to make you feel better. (Then often calls you back and reminds you of how were being really dumb once you feel better.)

4. Do something nice for someone else. It’s even better when its an anonymous thing.

5. Get crafty. Make something and give it to someone (See #4)! Crafting always gets my mind off of things that are making me blue.

What do YOU do to beat the full moon blues?

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